The event display MINERVA
The electronic signals that are recorded by the detectors during a collision can be transformed into
event displays. To visualize these, we use the program MINERVA. Before you can work with this program
you should learn which possibilities and functions it has that are important for our analysis.
First, start the program MINERVA (If you are a participant of the International Masterclasses you can start the
program from your PC's desktop directly. Otherwise you should firstly download the program
here, unzip it secondly and finally start it.)
Anyway, the program should look much like the first picture
in the picture gallery. Use the following gallery to get some insight into the functions of the MINERVA
program! Try these settings inside the program parallel.
This picture shows the start view of the program MINERVA with the two windows ATLANTIS
CANVAS (red frame), which provides different visual detector views of the event, and the graphical
user interface ATLANTIS GUI (green frame), which controls adjustments and has additional information about the event.
This picture shows the CANVAS window. It visualises the event. Thereby it is not shown as three-dimensional
but rather displayed as two-dimensional projections. In the upper left corner (with a red
frame), one can see the detector view with the view along the beam axis – the so-called cross-sectional
view - and below (with a blue frame), there is the view from the side – the so-called side view. The
display in the upper right corner (yellow frame) is used to distinguish the applications of energy of
the individual particles better. Their positions are plotted in a plane that represents the
unwound detector surface. The heights of the towers indicate how much energy is deposited at each location. Every event
has a title that can be read at the top of the window (green frame).
The different detector shells are illustrated with different colours in the cross-sectional view as well as
in the side view. The inner detector is grey, the electromagnetic calorimeter green, the hadronic
calorimeter red, and the muon chamber is blue.
The paths of electric charged particles are displayed by coloured tracks in the event display. They were
reconstructed after the measurement. The colour of one track is encoded by a relevant physical quantity, the transverse momentum - the momentum
of a particle at right angles to the beam pipe. The legend will help you in decoding. In this enlarged depiction you can see two tracks,
one red (high transverse momentum) and one blue (low transverse momentum) track.
Connecting energy deposits in the calorimeters to specific tracks in the inner detector is not
always easy. In this event one can see that there isn't a smooth transition from the tracking detector to the calorimeters.
Here, you actually have to estimate. Energy deposits are displayed as yellow cell entries in both the electromagnetic and the hadronic
calorimeter as well.
Besides neutrinos, muons are the only particles that can make it from the collisions to the
outer detector area. They are detected within the muon chambers (displayed blue). If a muon hits a chamber this chamber is marked as orange.
Two comments: 1. Due to projections of the detector one can see a whole muon detector's element marked as orange in end view while
in side view almost only dots are displayed in orange. 2. Some of the hits on the outer muon chambers are due to particles
moving in the cavern. Most of these originate from collisions
of the beam particles outside the detector producing neutrons
and other particles, and can be ignored. Muons from collisions at the center of the
detector generaly produce hits in ALL the muon layers.
You will use the GUI window mainly to load files into the program (via File – Read Event Locally; green frame).
The packed file to be read consists of several files each of
which has saved one event. By selecting the Previous or Next arrows in the upper right menu (brown ellipse), you can advance or move back
to individual events. With the help of the tool bar (red frame) you are able to change the view of the events (by e.g. zoom in and out).
Information of particles are accessible as well. These are displayed inside the information box (blue frame).
You can also define special selection criteria for the particles of an event shown
in the event display via the 'cuts' card (yellow frame).
There is much going on inside this event. You can see many tracks. Not all of them are interesting.
Particles with high transverse momentum (momentum of a particle that is at right angles (perpendicular) to the beam pipe) are of interest and can be selected.
In the GUI window you can use the "Cuts" card to show only particles with transverse momenta
above a specified value in the event display. Therefore, you only have to enter a value for
this transverse momentum in the input field (yellow frame: Try it with 10 GeV!) and confirm it via the enter key. Make also sure that the little box
left beside the input field is ticked. Go to the next picture in order to see the result of that setting.
Now it looks more clearer. In order to get information about the remaining particles you can use the finger pick
symbol from the tool bar (red frame). By clicking on one particle track not only the colour changes. Also detailed data
is displayed inside the information box. You will find it on the next picture.
Pay attention to the blue frame with information about the chosen particle.
Now, find out how you can
identify particles with the help of MINERVA.