System requirements for running MINERVA
MINERVA is a programme based on ATLANTIS, which is an ATLAS event display. Both programme are standalone JAVA applications,
that can be run on any machine supporting JAVA. It reads JiveXML data.
In this part you are going to analyse original data from the ATLAS experiment that was taken in 2010 in order to draw
your own conclucion about the structure of the proton on the one side and to understand how the yet undiscovered Higgs particle can be
found on the other side.
For the measurement, you will need the following tools:
- An event display program: MINERVA - Download starts here.
- A Data sample - The data sample of 1000 events was divided into 20 smaller packages with 50 events each.
Every package has a name from A to T and will be assigned to one group for processing. To load the package, start MINERVA
and download the assigned package. If you are in an International Masterclasses, this was already done for you.
You will find the data sample in a folder on your computer desktop. If you don't, download your data sample by clicking on
the assigned letter inside the picture below:
- The tally sheet, which should be in paper form in front of you (PDF ZIP), will help you in counting your events.
You are almost ready to start. On the next two pages, you will find the tasks for the measurement. Have fun!