A Z0 decays into an particle-antiparticle pair that fly off at an angle theta to the direction of the incoming electron-positron pair:
In selecting
Događajs we have allowed pretty much all
possible values for the angle theta.
However, in selecting
we have left out any Događajs for which theta is less than 45 degrees.
(Look carefully at any
Događajs you observe.
They will all occur at angles which are at least 450 from the
beam axis.
In contrast, in the
Događajs sometimes the particles are at very small angles to the beam direction.)
The fact that we have left some
Događajs out means that the number of
Događajs you observe
will be smaller than if we had kept them all.
Therefore we have to apply a "correction factor" to get the "total" number of
This correction factor turns out to have the value 1.6.
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