Research & Teaching
Research at the INFN-Sezione di Trieste focuses on Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle Physics, both in the experimental and theoretical fields, complemented by technological research to build instrumentation and techniques required for the physics studies. These activities are developed in collaboration with the Physics Department of the Trieste University, as well as with ICTP and SISSA.
Trieste researchers contribute to experiments in national and international laboratories. In particular there is a long tradition of research activity at CERN, dating back to the beginning of the sixties and, today, consisting mainly in the participation to the experiments ALICE, CMS and COMPASS. Bachelor, master and PhD students have thus the opportunity to perform stages and theses participating to the activities of these international collaborations.
At the Physics Department of the Trieste University the research focuses on astronomy, theoretical physics, and experimental physics which also includes solid state, medical and applied physics.
Thanks to all these activities studying physics in Trieste offers a broad range of opportunities for specialization. Physics education is organized in a bachelor (3 years) and master (2 years) structure. Finally, the University College for Sciences "Luciano Fonda" is granting a few Scholarships to give the opportunity to deserving students from everywhere in Italy and from all over the world, to study at the Trieste University.