Participating Institutes
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
School of Particles and Accelerators, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code 19 56 83 66 81 |
+98 (21) 22 80 91 50 |
particles@ipm.ir |
Research & Teaching
The Institute: "Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)” has various departments: Astronomy, Biological Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Mathematics, Nano Science, Particle and Accelerators, Philosophy, and Physics.
In the School of Particles and Accelerators, there are three groups:
1) Experimental High Energy Group:
The Experimental High Energy group at IPM studies the fundamental interactions of elementary particles, among them the six quarks and six leptons of the standard model of particle physics. Our activities focus on the Top physics, and low-x Physics. We also study the new physics beyond the standard model such as dimensions.
Our faculty currently work on the energy frontier with the CMS experiment at the large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the Future Circular Collider (FCC).
Members of the IPM group have also been involved in the Phase II upgrade of the CMS experiment at the LHC.
2) Theoretical High Energy Group
The Theory Group is involved in activities ranging from string theory, quantum field theory, quantum information theory, quantum gravity models in various dimensions, gauge/gravity correspondence and particle cosmology to particle physics phenomenology.
The phenomenology group focuses on the connection between particle physics theory and collider experiments. Standard Model and beyond the standard model physics with a particular emphasize on effective field theories and how they could be detected by the experiments are of the activities of the group. A broad range of subjects in particle physics ranging from heavy quarks and Higgs to dark matter are studied.
Members of the theoretical high energy group are also involved in cross-disciplinary researches such as physics of dissipative quantum systems, relativistic hydrodynamics and heavy ion collisions.
3) Accelerator Physics Group
The Accelerator Physics Group is doing research and development in the field of particle accelerators. This group is divided to the Beam Dynamic, Radio-Frequency, Beam Diagnostic, Magnet, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Vacuum, Electron Guns & Ion Sources, Radiation Protection, Control and Novel Accelerators sub-groups.
This group has a collaboration with CERN in the CLIC and LINAC4 project. As an example the beam dynamic study and the design of the electron gun and the most RF components of the CLIC Drive Beam Injector was done by this group.
This group also is working on the electron linear accelerator project that is close to finish.
This group has a collaboration with the ILSF (Iranian Light Source Facility) and also looking for the further international and national collaborations.
In 2018, we were able to bring this fantastic opportunity to Iranian students at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), for the first time. About 25 students and two high school teachers joined the program. We started the day with some brief introduction to particle physics and early universe cosmology; then we explained the history of the standard model particles.
We spent the last session of the morning discussing the CERN experiment and the mechanism with which the particles are detected at the LHC. In the afternoon, students had the opportunity to work with CMS real data and draw their own conclusions on each event. At the end of the day, most of the students expressed their experience as informative and joyful.
The students particularly enjoyed learning about the detectors and playing with real data. Based on the students' enthusiasm throughout the day, and their positive feedback, we would like to continue this program. We are hoping to extend this program to other institutions in Tehran as well as other cities, so more students can benefit from this opportunity.
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