School of Physics
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
+353 (1) 7162210 |
Ronan McNulty |
Research & Teaching
UCD is Ireland�s largest university with almost 25,000 students and is the most popular destination for Irish school-leavers. UCD is Ireland�s leader in postgraduate education with about 7,000 students of which 2,000 are studying for a PhD. Over 50% of UCD undergraduates progress to postgraduate studies. UCD is home to almost 5,000 international students and, in addition, places great emphasis on the internationalisation of the Irish student experience � preparing all UCD students for future employment and life that crosses borders, boundaries and cultures.
UCD is the only university in Ireland where experimental particle physics research is performed. A team of ten students, postdocs and staff are members of the LHCb experiment at CERN where they concentrate on performing tests of the Standard Model in the forward region.
Since 2000, particle physics has been part of the physics syllabus taught in secondary schools in Ireland. This, together with recent exciting developments in the field, particularly linked to the LHC, has meant a growing awareness in the country of the importance of particle physics in understanding our place in the universe. Over 1000 people attended a public lecture at the RDS in Dublin in 2008 to hear a lecture given by Rolf Heuer, director general of CERN. Dublin is the ESOF2012 city of science and many of the talks during the festival will concern particle physics.
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