International Particle Physics Outreach Group
Participating Institutes

University of Crete, Department of Physics


Physics Department, University of Crete
Address Department of Physics

University of Crete
71003 Heraklion
Phone +30-2810-394204
e-Mail Nicholas Tsamis
Research & Teaching

Research at the High Energy Physics group of the Department of Physics at the University of Crete focuses on theoretical apects of Elementary Particle Physics, Cosmology and String Theory.

The group is a node for the European Research and Training Network "SUPERSTRINGS". Members of the group also participate actively in the European Research and Training Network "ForcesUniverse".

The members of the group maintain close  ties with the Astronomy and Astrophysics group  which is in changre of the Skinakas Observatory, as well as with the nearby Foundation of Research and Technology F.O.R.T.H.

The group organizes on a biennial basis the International School of High Energy Physics and Cosmology I.S.H.E.P.A.C.

The main teaching activities of the group involve offering the courses of Quantum Field Theory, Elementary Particle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology and String Theory to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

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