International Particle Physics Outreach Group
Participating Institutes

University of Antwerp - Particle Physics Group


University of Antwerp - Onderzoeksgroep elementaire-deeltjesfysica
Address Particle Physics Group
Physics Department

Groenenborgerlaan 171
B-2020 Antwerp
Phone +32-3-265-3560
e-Mail Hans Van Haevermaet
Research & Teaching
Physics education at the University of Antwerp is organised in a bachelor/master structure. The bachelor programme includes the necessary basic knowledge of physics and mathematics. The master programme is a training at an advanced level, followed by a specialisation in one of the following domains: elementary particle physics, solid state and nanophysics, bio- and medical physics, computational physics and theoretical physics. These specialisations reflect the research strengths of the Physics Department.

The Particle Physics Group at the University of Antwerp has a long and outstanding tradition in experimental and phenomenological research concerning particle collisions as conducted by the largest particle accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Switzerland). Our research focuses on the study of quantumchromodynamics, the search for Higgs boson, the search for extra dimensions of space, the search for sterile neutrinos at the Belgian BR2 reactor and most recently the monitoring of gravity waves with the future Einstein Telescope.
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