Identifying events with HYPATIA
Here, you'll learn how the events mentioned before look in the event display HYPATIA.
You will use your newly acquired knowledge on identifying elementary particles.
You'll learn to choose events with a Z boson as signal events and to distinguish them from the background
events. Again, you'll find explanations about this in the form of a picture gallery.
signal processes
background processes
Note that the value of the missing perpendicular momentum is 38 GeV in this event.
Which indicates that a neutrino has been produced. We also see a track in both side and end view.
Inside end view one can clearly see a muon (or anti-muon). Its track inside the tracking detector
runs in opposite direction to the red dashed line. This is a strong hint for a decay of a W boson into a muon (it runs to the left in this
display) and a neutrino (it runs to the right).
In the end view you can see the signature of an electron with high transverse momentum
and a neutrino (since the missing perpendicular momentum is 39 GeV) going in the opposite direction. In the side view you
can also see the well-isolated electron.
The information from the lepton's track tell us that it is really an electron
(and not a positron. Pay attention to the negative sign).