Το W και η ραδιενέργεια στο επίπεδο των στοιχειωδών σωματιδίων
By looking deep inside the atoms, all the way down to the elementary particle level, one can explain radioactive decay
by the mediation of a charged W boson. When a proton (electric charge +1) is transformed into a neutron (electric charge 0)
or vice-versa, this is what is really happening: a u-quark from a proton (=uud) emits a W+ and becomes a d-quark, the proton
becoming thereby a neutron (=udd),
followed by a W+ decay into a positron (e+) and a neutrino (νe). In the other radioactive
process where a neutron is transformed to a proton, it is a d-quark that is changed to a u-quark by W- emission,
followed by the decay of the W- into an electron (e-) and an antineutrino νe.
We can illustrate this process with a so-called Feynman diagram, which you will be better acquainted with later in the Z path. A Feynman diagram illustrates particle physics processes. A straight line represents a matter particle, a wiggly line a force carrier particle, and a vertex represents a transformation. You can think of time going from left to right.
Για επιπλέον πληροφορίες για τον ρόλο του σωματιδίου W πήγαινε στις W-διαδρομές.
Εδώ επιστρέφεις στην αρχική σελίδα των Z-Διαδρομών.