Analyzing your results
Di-lepton measurement
Compare the histograms of the electron-positron and muon-antimuon pairs.
- Can you point out differences/similarities?
- How often does the Z boson decay into electron-positron pairs? How often does the decay result in muon-antimuon pairs?
- What did you expect? Why?
- Do you notice any other particles? At which invariant masses?
What is the most probable mass of the Z boson?
- Why is there not one exact value for the Z boson mass?
- What could be the possible explanations of why the distribution is so wide?
Have you discovered the Z' boson?
- If you think so, what is the Z' boson's mass?
- Why is it useful to combine your results with those obtained by other groups?
Di-photon measurement
Do you see any sign of Higgs decaying to 2 photons, H→γγ?
- If no, what could be the reasons?
- In fact the full sample does contain some real Higgs candidates, even if you you have not found them!
4-lepton measurement
Do you see any sign of Higgs decaying to 4 leptons, H→ZZ→llll?
- If no, what could be the reasons?
- In fact the whole sample contains one Higgs candidate. At which mass?